

Snow construction and event, January - March 2006


Vanttauskoski is situated about 70 km from the city of Rovaniemi. It is a lively center where you can find all the most important daily services.


There are about 270 inhabitants. The landscape is strongly affected by the river Kemijoki and especially in spring with the rapids.





The parent association of the Vanttauskoski school organized a snow constructing and event in Vanttauskoski.


The working period was January 28th-March 3rd 2006. Children planned and mostly realized the snow constructions


The Snow Magic playground was opened March 3rd 2006. The event was organized as two entities.


First during the day the event was dedicated to the pupils of the school. In the evening the event was open for everyone. Altogether there were about 220 visitors in these events.



The local Elf school programme group was responsible for the programme of the openings. Another co-operation partner was a local international youth group Forest Fox. In the openings visitors had the chance to visit the playground.


There were also competitions and horse sledges.

The playground was open for all until the snow melted…



Here you will find also video clips.